Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A "Typical" Monday

Mondays are, by far, the busiest day of the week for me.  I walk out of my room at 9:45 in the morning and don’t come back until midnight. When reflecting back on my day before I go to sleep, I wonder how in the world I accomplished everything in my day planner, but feel really proud of crossing out each task one by one. So here’s an outline of a typical Monday for me:

At 9 o’clock, my phone blasts Beyoncé’s “Run the World (Girls),” which is an awesomely motivating song, to wake me up. I put my phone on the desk at night, which requires me to physically get up to turn the alarm off, and not hit the snooze button repeatedly. I quickly get dressed and brew myself a cup of coffee, and then I am ready to start my day!
Hewitt Dining Hall. Photo courtesy of
For my physical education requirement, I take yoga. It is a great way to fully wake up in the morning and relax your mind and body for the rest of the day. On the days I do yoga, I am definitely able to tackle the stresses of the day with more ease.
In my New World Encounters First Year Seminar class, we explore texts and paintings of the Spanish conquest in the New World. We engage in deep discussions about colonization and take stances of both the Spaniard and Aztec people’s sides. One of my favorite things we did in class was having a debate on whether or not the conquest was just, while taking the persona of either a Spaniard or native. Since I’m an economics major and most of my classes are very quantitative and theoretical, I really appreciate the opportunity to be creative and imaginative in my seminar.
I eat a delicious lunch in Hewitt dining hall.  On select days, they serve tomato basil thin crust pizza, which is my favorite! I usually run into a friend and we eat together and update each other on our busy lives. Lunch is a great time for a break and some socializing.
The magnolia tree on Lehman Lawn
On sunny springs days, I sit outside on the Lehman Lawn and get some vitamin D from the sun. I either work on class work or prepare for the class council meeting I’ll have the next day.  Also, during this time of the year, the beautiful magnolia tree is starting to bloom, which is a sight you don’t want to miss!
I go to my last class of the day, Latin, which is on Columbia’s campus. I always love seeing children playing on College Walk on my way to class. At that time of the day, most of them just got out of school and they play outside for a bit before dinner or homework time. I look forward to watching the sunset after learning about declensions and indirect questions in Latin.
After class, I eat dinner at Ferris Booth (commonly known as just Ferris) in Lerner Hall. One of the reasons that I love being affiliated with Columbia is that there are various dining halls to choose from.  At Ferris, there are a variety of foods: the main buffet, pasta bar, pizza station, stir fry, sandwiches, salad, and most importantly, the dessert bar! You will never be disappointed after eating at Ferris.
After having a fulfilling dinner, I go to the Barnard weight room to work out. There are cardio and weight machines, free weights, jump ropes, and much more equipment to utilize. For me, going to the gym really helps me deal with my stress and allows me to have time to myself after a long day.
After a quick shower, I attend SGA’s Representative Council meeting. We have guest speakers, such as administrators from various departments and other student groups, to talk to us about policies and events happening on campus. Also, representatives give an update on what their committee has been doing. The external part of the meeting is open for anyone to come and participate in the discussion. It is always important to be aware of what is happening on campus! 
Liz's Place
Depending on how much work I have left, I grab a cup of coffee at Liz’s Place, which is a café in the Diana Center, and then head up to the 3rd floor reading room or walk over to Butler Library to do homework and study.

I manage to get sleep into my busy schedule, as it is extremely important. Before I go to bed, I check off everything I accomplished that day in my planner and I feel, as Beyoncé says in one of her songs, like superwoman “with a S on my chest.” Clearly, I am obsessed with Beyoncé, as I start and end my day with her!

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