Friday, April 11, 2014

Lectures vs. Seminars: Barnard's Classroom Experience

My seminar classroom in Milbank.    
Small class size was a huge factor in my decision to attend Barnard, and while I’ve had the opportunity to take a number of small classes here, I’ve found that even professors of “larger” classes at Barnard are just as available to interact with students as well. 

As a first year, you’ll have at least one small seminar style class, if not more. In a seminar class, you’re asked to do readings and then discuss them in class. The professor usually provides some suggestions or questions throughout class, but the way the class proceeds is really up to the students. These classes give you the opportunity to discuss a specific subject matter with 12-16 of your peers and really get to know your professor.  

Lecture courses at Barnard usually (but not always) consist of slightly less discussion among students, and more presentation by a professor. When I hear my friends at larger universities talk about their gigantic lectures in auditoriums where they see their professor on a screen, I realize that what I define as a “large” lecture course at Barnard... really isn't that large. Yes, there are certain lecture courses, like Intro Biology and Introduction to Art History, that are a bit larger than the average Barnard class. However, for courses like these at Barnard, there are often weekly sections where you break up into smaller groups and discuss the material in more depth. Professors also hold weekly office hours where you can ask specific questions and get to know your professors better. 

Lehman Auditorium, a lecture hall in Altschul. 
I’ve found that a lot of classes at Barnard fall somewhere in the middle of “large lecture” and “small seminar.” For example, the History of Science course I took last semester was considered a “lecture” course, but it was around 18 people. The professor often asked us for our take on the readings or to discuss a question with someone sitting near us in class. There are probably 100 or so people in the Philosophy class that I’m currently taking, but it doesn’t feel so large because, in every class, the professor is constantly asking for the students' thoughts about an idea or theory he is presenting. Barnard faculty members have a commitment to teaching undergraduates, no matter the size of the class.

While smaller seminar courses are usually the ones that you see taking place on Lehman Lawn at this time of year, just last week even my Organic Chemistry lecture class got to take a practice quiz outside! 


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