Friday, April 4, 2014

Residential Hall Spotlight: Hewitt Hall

As first years, you will be living on The Quad in a double, triple, or four-person room, and on one of three hallways: Sulzberger, Brooks, or Reid.  However, there is a fourth hallway, Hewitt, which houses upperclassmen.

As you consider which college to choose, you will need to consider not only freshman dorm space, but also what kinds of spaces are available to you as an upperclassman.  With its location on campus, beautiful views, and the fact that it offers single rooms, Hewitt is definitely a residential space to strongly consider.

Students living in Hewitt are again living in a corridor-style space, but this time in single rooms.  They still take the same elevators as the rest of the students living on The Quad, and use the same laundry rooms.  They also use the kitchen and lounge space that is available to everyone living on their floor.

Living in a single after freshman year gives students a unique opportunity to enjoy their own space after having adjusted to the college environment.  As you should while living with a roommate (or roommates!), you have an opportunity to really make the space your own.

Shown below is the Hewitt single of Tiffany Kontoyiannis (BC ’16), who has really taken the opportunity to make her room her own!

Stay tuned for more spotlights on the various Barnard residential halls!

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